/ CZ / EN / GR / PL / RO / RS / RU / SK / BG /



ProPelety s.r.o.
Žďár nad Sázavou, Strojírenská 341/16
PSČ 59101
IČO: 28353081
DIČ: CZ28353081
Registration: Regional court in Brno, Section C, Inset No. 63020


Tel: +420 565 651 136
Mobil: +420 775 866 051

WEB: www.propelety.cz
E-mail: propelety@propelety.cz

Demonstration Center - Workroom

In our workshop you can see manufacture of agripellets and get useful information before you decide to purchase. For visit and demonstration of the line or individual stations, it is necessary to make an appointment.

U Malého lesa 2501/18, Žďár nad Sázavou, CZ-59101, Czech Republic
